
Cookies policy

Cookies policy GATXAN, S.L.U., on its website https://troband.com, uses its own cookies or of collaborating companies in order to improve and optimize the experience user. In order for them to be collected, consent is required.

What are cookies?

Cookies are a type of file that is downloaded to one's computer user/client of the website in order to collect data that may be: Updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for the installation. GATXAN, S.L.U. uses cookies mainly for matters Following:

  • Ensure the proper functioning of the search engine and the contact form.

The use of cookies by GATXAN, S.L.U. is due to purpose of trying to optimize the information and services offered to users, to improve the experience every time you use web services.

What data is collected?

  • Session ID per user.

Types of cookies used, responsible, conservation period and recipients

The cookies used are the following:

_gid.troband.comSession ID.
_ga.troband.comSession ID.
local_tz.troband.comTime zone.
PHPSESSID_CSRF.troband.comCSRF prevention.

In accordance with current regulations, GATXAN, S.L.U. requests your permission to carry out the management of cookies. We remind you that you can disable or personalize the use of cookies when you consider it appropriate.

In addition, you can make the corresponding modification through the configuration parameters of your web browser.

Review of the cookies policy

GATXAN, S.L.U. plans to carry out an annual review of the Cookies Policy; However, if there is any other factor that requires the review, it will be carried out more frequently.